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          Here are the common expectations we have for students in the fifth grade.  Please keep this information handy to use           as a reference.



          We want students to become responsible for their learning and will help them learn how to do this.  We expect:

          *Planners to be kept up on a daily basis;

          *Weekly reading logs to be signed on a daily basis.

          *Assignments and projects to be completed legibly and correctly;

          *Assignments and projects to be turned in ON TIME;

          *Requested school supplies be ready for daily use;

          *Permission slips, lunches, and homework assignments to be  brought to school on time.

Please encourage your student to keep track of these important responsibilities.


Phone calls home will be limited to emergency situations only.

If your student has done something great, I will be sure to let you know through email, ClassDojo, etc.



          In the 5th grade we use ClassDojo as classroom management.  Each student has a monster and each day they can earn/lose dojo points. Students will earn rewards by collecting positive dojo points. They can win a variety of rewards, and the students choose their rewards. Students also lose dojo points by exhibiting bad behavior, but no matter how many negative dojo points, they can still earn rewards! The negative point consequences are listed below.


1 negative dojo:    Warning

2 negative dojos:  5 min. Silent Lunch or 5 min. walking recess

3 negative dojos:  Silent Lunch and 5 min. walking recess

4 negative dojos: Silent Lunch for rest of week and parent contact

5 negative dojos: Office Referral 

***Each week students start fresh, a bad week doesn’t equal a bad year.




Each student will have a Planner that will be kept up daily.  At the end of each day, we will spend time filling it out in class - expect your child to have their Planner filled out with homework for that evening.  If there isn't anything written in their planners, there is no special homework for that night.




Students recieve a packet of homework on Monday to have completed by Friday morning. Students do not have to work on it each night, but it does need to be completed by Friday morning. Students are also expected to independently read 120 minutes weekly.  We also strongly suggest that students have a quiet place and a set time each night to do homework.   

Take Home Tuesday Folders:

          Students have to take home and get their Tuesday folders signed. This always has grades and important announcements!


          Students are allowed to have a morning snack. Eating during class is not allowed other than during snack time.  No candy or gum is permitted in the classroom, it will be confiscated and thrown away.


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